Contains spatial and temporal information about Walmart store openings, from the first opening on March 1, 1962 until August 1, 2006.
A data frame with 3251 rows and 7 variables:
Date: opening date for the store
character: street address of the store
character: city of the store
character: state of the store
numeric: longitude of the store
numeric: latitude of the store
character: store type (Wal-MartStore, SuperCenter, DistributionCenter)
See QSS Table 5.5.
Imai, Kosuke. 2017. Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction. Princeton University Press. URL.
Thomas J. Holmes (2011) “The diffusion of Wal-Mart and economies of density.” Econometrica, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 253–302. doi = 10.3982/ECTA7699