QSS: Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ for QSS UTokyo (Summer 2022)

How much Maths do I need to know in order to take the class?

There is no pre-requisite for this course. Some knowledge in math might help you understand the materials better, but this course does not focus much on the mathematical aspect of quantitative social science.

How can I participate in the course?

The QSS course at the University of Tokyo will be held in a hybrid format. The first half of the course will be taught online via zoom. For the latter half, it will take place in classroom in Hongo campus. If you are interested in the course, please officially register for the course in UTAS. Generally, auditing is not allowed. If you cannot register for the course for some legitimate reasons (ex. maxed out on credits), please reach out to the teaching fellows.

Which version of the textbook should I use?

The lecture will be based on the original version of the textbook (2017, Princeton University Press). However, given the growing popularity of tidyverse, we will also teach tidyverse based on the new version of the textbook, which will be published soon. Since the tidyverse version of the textbook is not available yet officially, students will be able to access the textbook through an online platform.
If you prefer other languages, the textbook is available in other languages: Japanese, Chinese, and Korean.
If you are interested in Stata, we recommend you to read the Stata edition of the textbook, although this will not be covered in our class.

Is this course hard?

Any course can be hard. Although under the 30% A policy, it is safe to say that once you work hard you will likely have good grades, and most importantly, satisfying intellectual rewards as you learn useful skills that are applicable to both work and study in the future. Here, work hard means 1) complete all assignments and exams on time; 2) spend extra time studying the parts of the book you found unfamiliar and seek help from others around you (TFs, fellow students, Prof. Imai). We will be here for you.


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