Introduction to Quantitative Social Science

Homepage for QSS UTokyo (Summer 2022)

What is Introduction to Quantitative Social Science?

This is an undergraduate and graduate introductory level course on data analysis in social sciences. Data analysis skills are increasingly essential across various social science disciplines as data are becoming more ubiquitous (more types of data sources: governments, private institutions, NGOs etc.) and more diverse (more types of data: tabular data, image, text and sound data). This course will introduce basic principles of statistical inference and programming skills for data analysis. The goal is to provide students with the foundation necessary to analyze data in their own research and to become critical consumers of statistical claims made in the news media, in policy reports, and in academic research.

There are no prerequisites for maths or programming knowledge to take this course. We will teach you the statistical programming language R that we will be using for this course from scratch.

Course Details

Category Details
Dates 2022 May 24th - 2022 July 5th
Times 10:25AM to 12:10AM JST (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Location 1 (May 24th - June 10th) Zoom
Location 2 (June 14th - July 5th) 法学政治学系総合教育棟 (Hongo); Tuesday 2nd period @201教室; Thursday 2nd period @203教室
Syllabus Click Here
Weekly Schedule Click Here

2022 Teaching Team

Kosuke Imai │ Course Head

Email: imai [at] Harvard [dot] Edu
Office Hours: Sign up here

Prof. Kosuke Imai

Claire Liow │ Teaching Assistant

Email: yijialiow [at]

Anna Yorozuya│ Teaching Assistant

Email: yorozuya-anna [at]

Xiaolong Yang│ Course Assistant

Email: yang-xiaolong0406 [at]

Sho Miyazaki│ Course Assistant

Email: sho.miyazaki.2000 [at]

Google Calendar


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